Corned Beef on La Caja China Although often shrouded in myth and legend, St. Patrick was a real guy and many scholars have documented his life and his travels. Patrick committed himself to converting Ireland to Christianity, a herculean task, leaving little time for anything else. Life in 4th Century Ireland must have been rough, and after a tough day of dealing with Druids, Patrick would certainly have craved something to eat and perhaps a refreshing beverage. I am certain that he would be baffled by the way society celebrates his life today with the block parties full of loud and drunk people dressed in every imaginable shade of green. At times I am baffled by it. Yet, there are still wonderful tributes, parades, and dinners held in his honor every year where that gorgeous Irish trait of hospitality is showcased. I would like to think my house keeps his memory alive every year when I invite 150 of my closest friends over for an afternoon of food, spirits, ...